Instructions for adding Marie to your Google Analytics or Search Console

There are two ways you can add me to your analytics or GSC:

1) If you give me permission to share about your site in my writings and podcast

The benefit to you: If I use your site in one of my sessions or teachings you may read personal insight from me re your site on things like which Google updates may have affected you or my thoughts on why competitors are winning as I write in newsletter and discuss things on podcast.

The benefit to me: I need examples to use for my workbooks, videos, tweets and courses. Only submit your site if you give me permission to share the following:

  • Screenshots/video of your analytics
  • Possibly, your url although I anonymize in most cases
  • Possibly, screenshots of your content

In the past, I have tried to keep sites given to me completely anonymous. With so many of Google’s recent updates being about content quality, I have found it difficult to share examples unless I can share screenshots of the site itself. This is why I had this idea…I can help you, and in return, I get a list of sites that I can draw from to better help others. As I’m looking for examples to share, I draw from these sites.

Address to add:

2) If you’d prefer to keep things between you and me

This is totally ok as well and I can completely understand not wanting to share information publicly. You can add:


How to add a user to Google Analytics. I only need Viewer permissions.

How to add a user to GSC. In most cases, I only need Restricted User permissions. However, if you want me to be able to access your disavow file, you’ll need to give me Owner permissions.

You can also add the same email address above to Bing Webmaster Tools if it is relevant to your case.