Work with Marie

Here are a few options for working with me.

Problem solving session

I’ll think deeply about your situation, research, and make a bunch of notes to share with you. Then we’ll jump on a 90 minute call. We can:

  • Assess a traffic drop and brainstorm on recovery strategies.
  • Come up with ideas for using LLMs and prompts to help your business.
  • Brainstorm on your ideas for using AI, creating an AI product or doing something cool to help the world.
  • Brainstorm on how you can help your clients succeed in today’s AI driven Search results.

$3000 USD

Book your session

Consulting call

Book an hour to chat with me about your website or about AI. There’s no prep time with this call, but we can still cover a lot!

$600 USD

Book your call

Become a monthly client to implement my new SEO strategies

I’m taking on a small number of clients to work with me on a several month contract to implement the strategies I’ve developed while obsessively learning about Google’s AI ranking systems. More info here on becoming a client.

Team Workshops

We’ll do a virtual call, designed to get your team inspired and excited!

  • How can your business get an advantage by using AI?
  • How can your SEO agency adapt its strategies in the Gemini era of SEO?
  • How can your team stay on top of the rapid changes

Use the form below and we can discuss your team’s needs, pricing and scheduling.


If my prices are outside your budget

What I have loved doing the most is working with smaller site owners, especially those whose families are dependent upon your website’s income. I am concerned for so many of you. And there are so many of you. For a while I offered less expensive one hour brainstorming calls. Each became a grief counseling session as we realized that the world is changing in ways that make your website less and less needed.

I do believe recovery is possible for some sites impacted in the updates that started in September of 2023, and intensified with the March core and spam updates, but it will be difficult and require significant business changes that are likely out of reach for many.

This workbook is one that is free and will help walk you through what a traffic drop means and whether recovery is possible.

I also believe that this is not the end of the journey for those of you who are able to adapt. There are so many opportunities on the horizon for those who have even the slightest understanding of how AI works. The problem is, while I can see opportunity for the future, this does not help those of you who are struggling right now.

There are a few ways I can help you:

  1. Join the Search Bar SEO and AI News space. It’s free. I made this community because I knew that with what’s coming with AI, there will be so much need for discussion. We can help each other in here. I will often join the chat area, where anyone is welcome to ask questions and share about their site or situation.
  2. Join the private area in Search Bar Pro. Currently $42/month. It’s a safe area where you are free to ask questions. This community is small but growing. I am happy to answer any questions in the chat or you can post in the section called Helpful Content / Algo Brainstorming to ask the community for thoughts on your site and its content.
  3. Check out Nick does good work in helping smart SEOs find work.
  4. Read through each newsletter episode I publish as anything important to Search and AI is in there.
  5. Spend time every day learning how to communicate with Gemini. If you can, pay for the Advanced version. It’s much better. Speaking to LLMs is like learning to communicate with a new species. It’s a skill to be developed. I predict that those who understand how to get the most out of these tools will soon be the people whom society look to for help as AI changes the world.

Request more info on a Team Workshop or Site Review

Tell me more about your site and team, and how I can help you. (Serious inquiries about reviews only please.)

Tell me more about your site and team, and how I can help you. (Serious inquiries about reviews only please.)