Marie Haynes' Newsletter

Oh boy, I love writing newsletter.

I write on everything that is interesting and important for SEOs, including the latest on AI.

You have two choices:

1. Marie’s Notes

My full weekly update is now only available by paid subscription. It’s $18/m.

I’ll send you an email with access to a Google doc with my notes. Here’s a recent one.

Marie’s Notes (or join the Search Bar Pro community as it’s included.)

2. Free Newsletter

I send out an email whenever there is important news about a Google update, or to let you know about new blog posts I’ve published.

Read past newsletter episodes


More on the changes to newsletter

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing on everything about Search and also, AI for the last decade.

My newsletter started as a way to share with my clients when there was a significant Google update. It brought in so much work for me that I hired a team to handle the business and write newsletter. At one point, there were 12 people involved with writing, publishing and handling support for newsletter. When I returned to solo consulting, I continued for several years to do all of this on my own. No regrets! Writing newsletter has given me an education!

With all of the craziness surrounding AI, I had to make a choice – either make newsletter my full time job, or, scale back so that I have time to consult and also to build and do things with AI. I chose the latter.

If you have read this far and really want to read Marie’s Notes but can’t afford $18/m, shoot me a message with how much you’d like to pay and I can set something up for you.

Looking forward to learning together!



Subscribe to Marie's Notes

Subscribe to Marie’s Notes


Better yet…

Become a Search Bar Pro member

(includes paid newsletter, community, chat with members, regular posts and insight from me as I learn, and more to come.)


(Or Free by becoming a Search Bar Topic Enthusiast – see below.)

Here’s info for long time subscribers who have not yet switched to the Search Bar.

Get access to my notes for $18/month Join the Search Bar Pro Community $42 / m