Ep. 212 - Dec. 2, 2021 - Light Version

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In this episode, we discuss Google releasing another update, mastering your online reputation, the importance of reviews, what we’ve seen with the November core update, getting pages indexed, insight from Marie, and more.

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Ask Marie an SEO Question

Have a question that you want to ask Marie? You can ask them on our Q&A with Marie Haynes Consulting page and Marie will answer some of the best questions each week in podcast! While podcast is on break, feel free to tweet us any questions you may have.

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The following topics are covered in the premium version of this episode:

  • Full algorithm analysis
  • Mastering your online reputation
  • Ask Googlebot: Can you hide your website from search?
  • Google acknowledges this for reviews
  • Have you leveled up your digital PR?
  • How much does speed impact your visibility?
  • Check the history of your domain name before you purchase it and/or redirect it
  • Tip on getting pages indexed
  • What percentage of sites get indexed?
  • Clarity on suppression and penalties from Marie
  • Bing has launched Page Insights
  • Handy Chrome extension
  • Organize your topic clusters with ease
  • Our tl;dr summary of some awesome recent SEO articles
You’ll also have access to all past episodes, including this one.

News about Google’s Algorithms

As of Wednesday this week, the November core update has finished rolling out. Google also announced another update: the December 2021 product reviews update. We’ll discuss both in more detail for our premium subscribers. 

MHC Announcements

This week’s to watch

You may recognize this handle from past newsletters, and that’s because his tips are just that good. We highly recommend giving Lyndon (@darth_na) a follow for keeping up to date with trending SEO topics, not being afraid to give his honest opinion and providing a ton of value in his tweets.

Google Announcements

Google News-related bug

Who doesn’t love a Google bug? This bug is impacting your results when you use quotes in a news tab and search by date. It is not pulling news-related content, but any content from across the web. While this might seem to be a pain, Google has hinted that a fix will likely be made by December 1st, but recommends giving it a few days to be sure. 

SEO Tips

Don’t make this common blog mistake

Helpful tip from Ross Hudgens on Twitter. When writing your title tags, Ross suggests that a commonly seen mistake is the addition of words after the brand name. When writing your title tags, keep in mind that your brand name should be at the end of your title tag and no other keywords should follow. He also notes that the shorter the titles, the better the performance (on average). Like anything, test this for yourself to see whether or not this works for your site. But, it’s probably not a bad thing to front load your page titles.

Heads up, Lily is indicating that Google may be handling canonicals differently in Discover

John Mueller responded that both search and Discover should use the same canonical directive. Lily notes that she has seen this happen to a few of her clients and may be a larger trend. As we find out more information we will keep you up to date.

Other Interesting News

Google no longer has any deadline associated with moving all sites to mobile-first indexing

Attention all sites who have yet to switch to mobile-first indexing! If you’ve been stressed about your deadline, don’t be. Google has decided to leave the timeline open for the last MFI push. Google’s official announcement mentions that they’ll continue to gradually move those remaining sites over. 

GoDaddy was hacked

If you have an account with GoDaddy, you might have been affected by the recent hack on the platform. According to some news outlets, the hacker had access to GoDaddy’s database for over two months and over 1.2 million WordPress accounts have been compromised. 

GoDaddy recommends that all of its users change their passwords and, if possible, set up a 2 factor authentication security system. 

Local SEO

The Local Rankflux tool has reported difficulties with reporting. While the trends are showing very high surges, BrightLocal has asked that you ignore any data from November 25th on. For the most in-depth analysis of the recent algorithm changes, we always recommend that you read our news about Google’s algorithm section above.

Recommended Reading

How to Measure the Quality of Your SEO Traffic Using Google Analytics – Adriana Stein
November 23, 2021

You may be wondering what defines quality traffic? Essentially, quality traffic helps with higher leads and conversion rates (or other company-specific goals). Adriana mentions a few ways you can measure the quality of your organic traffic in Google analytics and a ton of tips. 


What High-Impact SEO Consulting Looks Like – Ross Hudgens
November 16, 2021

Ross Hudgens is a long-time SEO consultant at an agency called Siege Media. He has witnessed the impacts of both good and bad SEO consulting work done in the industry and has produced a sweet video about what high-impact SEO consulting should look like. This is a great video for clients who might be on the hunt for an SEO consultant and could be beneficial for consultants looking to improve their strategies and service offerings.

Recommended Reading (Local SEO)

The 2021 Local Search Ranking Factors – Darren Shaw
November 29, 2021

If you’re not familiar with the local search ranking factors survey, here’s a brief synopsis: each year Darren Shaw surveys the top local search experts to see what is working in local search and what isn’t. If you’re interested in following the changes for your local business, or if you work in the local sphere, this one’s for you.


Want More?

Premium members also get the following:

It’s well worth the $18 per month!

The following topics are covered in the premium version of this episode:

  • Full algorithm analysis
  • Mastering your online reputation
  • Ask Googlebot: Can you hide your website from search?
  • Google acknowledges this for reviews
  • Have you leveled up your digital PR?
  • How much does speed impact your visibility?
  • Check the history of your domain name before you purchase it and/or redirect it
  • Tip on getting pages indexed
  • What percentage of sites get indexed?
  • Clarity on suppression and penalties from Marie
  • Bing has launched Page Insights
  • Handy Chrome extension
  • Organize your topic clusters with ease
  • Our tl;dr summary of some awesome recent SEO articles
You’ll also have access to all past episodes, including this one.

Note: If you are seeing the light version and you are a premium member, be sure to log in (in the sidebar on desktop or below the post on mobile) and read the full article here.


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